Book Review: Enough to Keep You (Conflicted: The Love Diaries Book 1)


Title: Enough to Keep You (Conflicted: The Love Diaries Book 1)

Author: Hazel Boyd

Publication: Kindle Edition

Length: 350 pages 

Plot- Enough to Keep You is a collection of love stories told through the eyes of five couples. Each perspective explores a different issue as it relates to love. Infidelity. Unrequited love. New love. Sexuality. Abuse in many forms. Creating a family, etc.

Favorite Quote: ‘Often time, people start at the beginning, but I am going to start from this very moment.’

Enough to keep you is a collection of vivid love stories. This book is the inaugural edition in the ‘Conflicted: The love diary series.’ The plot revolves around seven main characters and their counterparts. The book is narrated from all these characters’ point of view. These characters are Nicole, Claire, Rachel, Tori, Scott, Michael, Ashley. Each character has individualistic characteristics setting them apart. Their lives are intertwined.

When you read the book, it feels like you are reading a page out of one’s journal. The inner most fears, desires and emotions are on display unguarded and this is the key highlight of the entire book. It is very fascinating to see that when it comes to the matter of love, highly intellectual people like doctors, surgeons, lawyers, etc have no control over their emotions. The book explores various issues like child abuse, kidnapping, withholding a hostage for years, a lesbian relationship, infidelity , getting over past relationships, having a toxic relationship, maintaining a work- life balance, etc.

We might have experienced a few situations at a personal level, but we might never experience a lot of concerns raised in this book ourselves. Experiencing and diving into the psychological effects of such situations was the most interesting part of the book for me.

The complexities of a love relationship are brought to light in a very realistic manner. I would recommend this book for all those who are interested in reading complicated love stories.

Rating: 3/5

Note- I was sent a copy of the book by the author but the reviews are my own.